Please read the following carefully
It is important that you are aware of the related documents and policies; and that you understand your rights and obligations.
Australian Small Supplier Payment TermsCollapsed
Coles is a proud signatory to the Business Council of Australia, Australian Supplier Payment Code (BCA Code), which requires Coles to pay eligible small Australian suppliers within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice or, where applicable, receipt of correct goods or services (whichever is the later).
A Small Supplier is any supplier of goods not for resale and/or services delivered to Coles that meets the following conditions:
- carries on an enterprise in Australia;
- has an Australian Business Number on the Australian Business Register;
- is listed as a small business in the Federal Government’s Small Business Identification Tool which identifies small suppliers as legal entities with annual turnover of less than $10 million for the most recent income year pursuant to section 5 of the Payment Times Reporting Act 2020; and
- the supplier’s current payment terms with Coles result in payment being more than 30 days from delivery of goods not for resale and/or services.